Meat Processing, Recent Projects

Tallangatta Meat Processors

Tallangatta Meat Processing VIC Australia
Tallangatta Meat Processing VIC Australia, Roxset Flooring Project

Tallangatta Meat Processors – Victoria

The Smith family have been involved in the meat industry for over 50 years.
Ron and Neil Smith operated the Tallangatta butcher shop before deciding to construct a small processing plant to service their own shop in 1976. After seeing a demand for local product, they were soon processing meat for many butcher’s in the region, before branching out to service both Sydney and Melbourne.

The business has passed from Neil to his son Doug who has continued to grow the business. Doug’s five son’s Tom, Reuben, Will, Fergus and Ambrose all have active roles within the business.

The Smith family prides itself on their care, quality, and consistency. 70% of the Australian customer base has been supported for over 20 years.

Project Details

Location: Tallangatta, VIC
Area = 500 sqm
Coating: ROXSET SE 5-6mm
Colours = ROXSET Homebush Blue, ROXSET Bright Red
Room Types: Boning Room, Chillers, Slaughter Rooms, Kill Floor